cheap jordans for saleRetro jordans for sale jordans for sale cheap foamposites Cheap foamposites for sale Retro jordans for sale according to Singapore's "joint news network" reported on November 23rd, according to the statistics of the Japanese authorities, in 2014 the old man lost home has exceeded 10 thousand people. GPS positioning shoes reported that, in order to eliminate the worries of caregivers, Japanese workers racked their brains, research and development of related surveillance products. A Japanese technology companies have figured out a way, the global locator GPS introduction of shoes, old man wherever he won't get lost. System Inn Nakagomi, Japan, launched GPS shoes on the market. The super mini GPS was placed inside and behind the shoes, and the information about the old man's place was given to the security company and his family at any time. The shoes with the function of looking are not the same as ordinary shoes, but the shoes with GPS must be charged. It can be used for 400 hours every two hours. When the battery runs out, it also sends text messages to the family or care, so that they pay close attention to the whereabouts of the elderly. Because small GPS is lightweight, old people don't feel uncomfortable wearing it. In the evening, when walking, it flashes automatically. it is understood that the invention was funded by the Yamanashi County authorities. In April 2014 the county's statistics, in the county of 24263 people with dementia, accounting for 65 of the county population over the age of 10.6%. Statistics also show that the county's demented elderly population is growing rapidly, in 2014 1000 more than in 2013. Before the success of GPS shoes R & D, the county has used GPS technology to monitor the whereabouts of the elderly, such as some of the old organs to let the old street wearing a positioning position watches. But it's not going to solve the problem completely, because the old man often loses watches. But shoes aren't easy to lose, so it's going to change the problem now. According to the sale website, GPS the old man a pair of shoes for 60 thousand yen (about 3114 yuan); in addition, users also to set a monthly basic communication fee. (global shoe network Arlene editor) shipping information b f b ee ff bd jpg pixels For the Home Initials Bedrooms and Beds online store canada Office Jeans Jeans Blazers and Tees information b f b ee ff &nbs" /> orange leather shoes mens Plus Size Outfits For Work best Page of Plus Size Outfits Plus Size and Animal Prints /blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" /736x/2b/70/aa/2b70aa16138597bf6fd837c95f12f684.jpg" ALT="orange leather shoes mens Plus Size Outfits For Work best Page of Plus Size Outfits Plus Size and Animal Prints" TITLE="shipping information b f b ee ff &nbs" /> purses and accessories Khaki amp Blue Contest III Khakis Blue and Graduation Outfits /blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" /736x/e5/ce/87/e5ce87690165463aa74d3df082b4a2f4.jpg" ALT="purses and accessories Khaki amp Blue Contest III Khakis Blue and Graduation Outfits" TITLE="shipping information b f b ee ff &nbs" /> shipping information b f b ee ff bd jpg pixels For the Home Initials Bedrooms and Beds /blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" /736x/15/a3/22/15a32246bdb24a1896a6e9f2e601dc24.jpg" ALT="shipping information b f b ee ff bd jpg pixels For the Home Initials Bedrooms and Beds" TITLE="shipping information b f b ee ff &nbs" /> |
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